Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Hello again!

5.20pm- Well I have finally got around to writing on here! I have had a lovely, but very busy, couple of days. I had a great weekend. I went to see Nanny, Mum and Dad on Saturday and then I didn't really do much on Sunday. I worked all day and then chilled in the night. Yesterday I had normal codes, but I had Neil the Principal for Approaches to Learning. It was fascinating.  I usually find ATL interesting just slightly long-winded but Neil is amazing. He talked about the evolution and development of the brain and emotions and how we use it. He said that the first 5 yrs are the most vital for gaining knowledge. Not academic knowledge but emotional. He said how children who never experience love in those years will not be able to love themselves. It is such a shame that I am paraphrasing so much but I have to be brief.  I can't remember it all properly now and so I will read my notes and share it later. I had my service home visit in the afternoon. We went to visit our lady and did a bit of shopping for her. Last night I had my meditation, which I really enjoy. I am still yet to feel the "energy" but I love the relaxing atmosphere and the genuine people. I actually meditated- well I had a time when I was thoughtless (until I thought I was thoughtless that is!). Also afterwards we were given a wonderful pastry thing and ice-cream, which was divine!  It was just as well I ate plenty as I am fasting today for Medicin Sans Frontiers AC in Solidarity. A large proportion of the student body has signed down and so we aren't eating from 8am - 8pm. I had a large breakfast- muesli, banana and peach. I have drunk water yet some people haven't even done that. We all get a feast at 8pm in the dining hall to break our fast. It hasn't been too bad but now my stomach is rumbling as I write this!   I had lessons this morning, and my favourite was double History. We had the marks of our test we did yesterday and I got a Level 7. I was pleased as I knew it wasn't all correct straight afterwards. My Econ. test wasn't too bad. It is all so new and so it is taking me a while to get used to how the questions are formulated etc. I find it interesting however and I didn't do terribly!
    Well I don't actually have any homework to do, just print things off. I had a problem printing my English essay from my USB in the library and so I need to sort that out. I have until Thursday so it's okay. I may also help out with the baking for the feast, which should be fun. I am also actually going to play my flute!!! My dormie Rina is about to practise her violin and we have a pact that I will go too. In the same way I am apparently going to go running with Natascha and Rina next time they go! I said that I find walking very enjoyble but they don't seem to understand!  Had better go and dust off my flute. Love to all and will write when I get some time.