Thursday 18 August 2011

I'm back!!!

11.25am- I am now a Second Year! We have been back at AC for around a week but I have been too busy to write anything on here. There has been so much to do- catching up with people, meetings, Service, applying to University and academic tutorials. This week is Service Week and so I have been creating a children's garden and running a playgroup for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. This has taken up most of the day and any free time has been spent talking or working. I'm not feeling too tired as I have managed to get a reasonable amount of sleep most nights. We have also been preparing for the arrival of the First Years on Sunday. This involves making sure the houses are all ready as well as planning for Induction and First Year Camp. Soon after arriving the First Year is split into two groups and they go to Camp over a period of about a week. As PK Peer Listener I go to camp, in addition to the selected Camp Leaders. My role is not to act crazily and run activities but to support those who may not enjoy being in the middle of nowhere in a cold barn without a shower for three days. It is a great opportunity to get to know the First Years and I am very excited. Before then I have to do some more work. I handed in my first draft of my EE at the end of the Summer break and it has already been marked and returned to me. I am now working on improving it but my tutor said it was a very good first draft! I was very happy to hear that! I am also working on my History Internal Assessment and hope to finish that as soon as possible. I am reading and doing little bits and pieces for other subjects as well. August Period is a very special time and I am thoroughly enjoying it. It has been wonderful to spend time with my co-years and I feel it is a very special group of people. Tonight we are making posters and finishing the final preparations for Sunday. It is pouring with rain so sadly my Playgroup session will be inside today. We have had to adjust the games and activities accordingly!
I hope everyone is keeping well. I had a wonderful Summer traveling around the UK and seeing family and friends. I visited the Universities which I would like to apply to, which was very interesting. I also went to visit my dormie in Denmark on the Danish Summer Project. We cycled and promoted UWC in a couple of towns. I had an amazing time with an amazing group of AC people. Sadly, being so busy meant I didn't get to see as many of my family and friends as I had hoped. For those of you I didn't see, I'm sorry and I hope to see you soon! Sending lots of love from a windy and rainy but wonderfully happy castle by the sea!