Wednesday 4 April 2012

Easter Break

8.30am- Good morning everyone! I am in my carrel unit as my French teacher is ill and we don't have class this morning. There is a virus (or possibly more than one) going around at the moment. Many students are quite ill and some of the teachers have caught it as well. Other than having a slight sore throat for the past couple of days, I'm feeling OK. Luckily I haven't caught any of the viruses that have gone around since I've been here (hopefully I'm not speaking too soon!). One of the downsides of living in such close proximity to others is that illness always travels quickly. I'm going home for Easter this afternoon so hopefully I can get off campus and escape without getting ill.
     I'm really excited to be going home for a break. I'll be back on Tuesday, ready for codes next Wednesday. Most of the First Years are travelling but lots of the Second Years are staying on campus to work. We have the IB in less than a month so it really is time to knuckle down. I will work a lot at home but hopefully have some nice breaks as well.
       The lovely Spring sunshine seems to have ended and the daffodils on campus are all dying. I absolutely love Spring at AC and think it is the best time of the year. It's a shame I didn't get out to really enjoy it as much as I would have liked this year but even the walk to the castle from PK is beautiful on a sunny day.
    I have triple free and plenty of work to do. Happy Easter everyone!