Sunday 15 April 2012

We can still have fun...!

6.45pm- Yesterday I went to Cardiff with my parents and best friend- it was just what I needed. I relaxed, had fun and enjoyed myself. I had a lovely day and then came back and worked until chek-in. I covered the whole of Mao's China for History and so went to bed feeling pretty happy with myself. My dormies and I planned to get  up at about 8am but none of us got up until after 9am! I've worked all afternoon but have actually enjoyed it. I've done a French past-paper and am now working on Econ. People were very stressed at the end of last week but luckily the atmosphere is now more relaxed and there are some laughs and smiles reappearing. 'End of Codes' starts tomorrow. The last week of Second Year codes is traditionally a time for Second Years to pull pranks and gently torment the First Years. However, we have been warned that some people were slightly too extreme last year and so we must make sure nobody is upset at all this year. The Brits are going to be very lenient on our First Years, mainly because we are too busy (and we also don't want to be too harsh!). We have some rather nice ideas and I'm looking forward to spending some time with my First Years. Must dash upstairs to my carrel unit now. Am going to go back to PK and then we have House Meeting at 9pm. Love to all.