Thursday 6 October 2011

E.E. deadline

11.30am- Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I haven't written for a while- this week has been particularly busy. We went on an English trip to Stratford-upon-Avon to see the RSC perform Macbeth on Tuesday. I had such a good day! We arrived in Stratford in the early afternoon and so had some time to wander around, shop and eat good food. The performance in the evening was fantastic! The theatre has recently been refurbished and I was very impressed. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the play we've been studying and feel as though I've learnt a lot from the performance. It was also very interesting to see the interpretation of the RSC after reading the play in class and also watching other film versions. I did not agree with everything they did, and thought that some elements could have been improved but this did not detract from the overall experience. It reminded me how much I enjoy doing cultural things like watching plays and going to concerts. One thing I will look forward to after AC is having time to do such things!
    Yes, tomorrow is the Extended Essay deadline. I can't quite believe that it has come around already. It also means that we are approaching the end of the IB and there are so many things associated with that. I am happy with my final draft of my EE. I have really enjoyed the whole process of doing my own historical research into a topic that I find very interesting. I've now learnt so much more about the CND in Wales in the 1980s, which is great as I am a member of CND today.  Sadly, everyone else isn't feeling as calm about their EE's. Some people are very stressed and worried. Others are certain that they will not make the deadline. It is a school imposed deadline and so it is not the end of the world but it still isn't good. I just wish everyone the best and hope we all do the best we can. Tonight is going to be a very long night for many.....
    Our teachers have not allowed for us working on our EEs either. I have French and History presentations to work on, among other things. After codes today I will go to the gym, then to a Peer Listener meeting. After supper I will print my EE and work on French and Economics. I would like to play my flute but I'm not sure if I will get time. Peer Listening has been taking quite a lot of time lately but I feel as though I have the balance right. I sometimes have to simply say that I am busy/ tired and can't "chat" right now!
    Have TOK now then Econ. Love to all.