Wednesday 28 March 2012

Where to start?!

8.10pm- It is time for revision and hard work yet there seems to be so much to do I don't know where to start! I make lists of things to do in order of priorityy but by the time I finish writing I think of something else which is more important.. and so it goes on! The end of the IB also means the end of AC. Concentrating on work means less time spent with amazing friends who'll be thousands of miles away in a couple of months and I sometimes wish the IB was not so important. I also feel as though priorities can become distorted and worries blown out of proportion and it is vital to find some time to think and reflect.
    I had a wonderful school session in Service today. I'm now usually put in charge of a group of children and treated like another class assistant. Today we had to write observations of what we see in Spring. Helping six 6 year olds learn to write is so difficult! If you take your eyes off their work for a second, they've spelt 'blossom' as 'blusm'! I'm learning to write for one, talk to one, point at one, smile at one and nod at another! I relish the opportunity however and love absolutely love my sessions.
    Tomorrow is a big day for many Second Years as the US Uni results are released. Hopes and dreams will be realised for some and sadly ruined for others. I have many close friends who are tonight anxiously waiting to hear about their futures. It will be an interesting day and I have my fingers crossed for all of them. Ultimately, however, I have to remind myself and others that health and friendships are the most important and treasured things in life. Without these (to me at least) academic success seems meaningless.
     Having said that, French and Maths past-papers, as well as a History test and Econ revision are all calling. Love to all.