Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I'm still here... honest!

4.20pm- Hello everyone! I have not disappeared, although you may have thought that as I haven't written on here for so long! I went home for the Easter break last Wednesday.  It was so good to be at home and I really relaxed. We all came back on Monday and it was lovely to see everyone once again. Even a couple of days apart can feel like ages here..... 
        There are first year exams this week and so everyone, not only the second years, is studying. I had English and Maths yesterday and then History and French today. English was fine and then Maths was terrible! I have never cried over exams before, let alone during one! I just had a complete mental blank and could not do anything, even the easiest of questions. It was an awful experience. Afterwards ran to cry in the toilets then spent a little time walking around the gardens. I also called home. There's nothing like speaking to Mum and Dad when you're upset. When I went back to PK my friends were great. I went for another walk with my Thai friend and we shared our horrible experiences of the Maths exam. The only difference was that she is in Higher and I'm in Studies...!!  Oh well. I actually felt much more relaxed today as I know that nothing can be as bad as yesterday. I have always been okay with exams and I feel like that again now. I actually feel even stronger after knowing how terrible things can be. Failing is a part of life, I suppose. I will do everything I can to make sure it never happens again however!
    So, I think History was ok. I wrote two essays, one on the Treaty of Versailles and another on the outbreak of the Second World War. I actually enjoyed it, I realise now!   I had French this afternoon and that was as good as could be. I think I understood most of the text and comprehension questions. My essay is possibly where I will loose marks. We shall just have to wait and see.
    I don't have any exams tomorrow but i have E Systems and French on Friday ( we don't have the day off for the Royal Wedding!). I will be in exams during the wedding but I can watch the build up in my houseparents house. I am interested as it is a historical event.   This weekend is going to be great as we will be so happy to finish exams. I am going to make sure I work however as I have Internal Assessments for the actual IB to prepare for.
    My friend and I are in the Math Department at the moment. I really should go and work. Love to all.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Our spirit shines through

12.50pm- Following the terrible events of the fire on Tuesday, the AC Spirit has been clear for all to see. Sunley students are spread about in rooms the castle. Second years have been given priority, and so most of them are in double rooms. The first year girls however are split into 2 large dorms, with around 16 people in each. This is neither comfortable or appropriate. They are just trying to make the best of a situation that nobody can change. Some of my closest friends in Sunley have managed to go back, only to discover what they had expected- they have nothing. "All that remains", my one friend said, "are the bed springs." Three girls dorms have been completely destroyed.  As I said, they are trying their best to carry on however it is very difficult. We are all trying to support them in any way we can. Lots of clothes have been given, along with school books and class notes. Even those whose dorms were not completely burnt still have smoke and water damaged possessions. As I went to History this morning I passed one of the rooms students have moved to. I thought that I could smell a nasty smell of smoke and as I walked past the black bags of possessions in the corridor I realised they were from dorms in Sunley.
         AC life is carrying on. Quite a few of us first years went on a trip to Cardiff to a University fair yesterday. Most of the top UK Unis were there and so I was able to make direct comparisons.
        After the Uni fair I worked all night. I did some bits of homework and also general revision. I have my first Peer Listener training session today- from 2pm until 7pm. All first year PL's are meeting with the college counsellor and then our predecessors later this evening. I am very excited to find out more about my role and also to spend time with my fellow PL's, who I know are a great bunch of people.
        Am going to do a little flute practise before that. Love to all.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


9.20am- Morning everyone. Yesterday was a very eventful day at AC. A terrible fire destroyed about half of  Sunley house, one of the student houses. Most importantly, nobody was injured but the damage is quite extensive. We were allowed to go and see the house from a distance last night and some people have lost everything. The fire broke out at around 12.30pm, just as we were all finishing 5th code. Lots of students had gathered outside the classroom blocks and were all staring across the fields when I came out of French. Once outside I saw the black smoke and huge flames rising from Sunley. It seemed so surreal and nobody was quite sure what to do. Some students ran over with fire extinguishers but it was too dangerous, and also too late, to stop it. We then had to gather for everyone to be accounted for. People were crying while we were waiting. As soon as we knew everyone was safe, I felt much better. However, seeing people realise that the only things they had, some of them thousands of miles from home, were the clothes they were wearing and their school bag, was very upsetting. Sunley students are now all staying in the castle, and will do so for the foreseeable future. There are second years due to sit their final IB exams in two weeks who have lost all of their work. You keep everything in your dorm here at AC, that place is your little piece of home whilst you are away from home. For some of my friends all that remains of that is now blackened walls and ash. People have lost camera's, computers, passports, but the loss of little things- letters, photos is most upsetting, and irreplaceable.  The AC community has really rallied however, and I think we are supporting Sunley as much as we can. We have given clothes, toiletries, books, let them use our showers.... anything they need.
     Well I just walked to TOK but it has been cancelled (logistical problems after the fire). So I am now researching for my History internal assessment and catching up on news etc. We are going to a University Fair in Cardiff this afternoon so I am quite excited. 
         Yesterday is proof that life can always manage to throw the unexpected at you, and that you can deal with it. Love to all.

Friday, 8 April 2011

This is History!!

8.40am- Well, it's history for me - this is my 100th Blog posting! I thought it was pretty cool when I read that there were 99 posts on my blog. I never thought I would write a blog but coming to this amazing college has made me want to tell people about my incredible experience. I am so fortunate to be here and writing my blog has made me reflect on what I do every day. I can only conclude that I am having a great time and I am so thankful that I am here.
    However, I'm not sure how I always get time to write my blog... I'm so busy! I have an Econ test next and so must read over some notes now.  This evening I am going home for the weekend in order to recharge my batteries. I am so lucky that I can do this. Although it feels unfair that most people here can't, as I can, I should not be afraid to do it.
    Hope everyone is well. Love to all.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Half-way there

4.05pm- Yes, we are half way through the week already. This week has been very tiring and I was actually struggling this morning. I have not been getting enough sleep these past couple of days which resulted in me having a horrible headache until lunch. I went back to the house for a shower and somehow after that I feel okay. I have come with my dormie to the library to work. I have some set work to do and I must also revise. Not only is it half way through the week, I am also getting the feeling of being half way through the IB. The first year exams are approaching in addition to the teachers setting us some tasks for the actual IB (History Internal Assessment for example). Last night there was a presentation from the London Universities (LSE, UCL, Imperial and King's). LSE just sounds great to me!!  All this Uni business makes it feel as though it is us who are sitting the IB in a months' time!!  The second years are all preparing for their final exams and we must try and support them when we can. I can't believe where the past year has gone, so fast forward a year and that will be me....
    For now I know that I have to work but also enjoy and make the most of this opportunity. This is a very important, interesting but still incredibly amazing time. On that note I will go and find my dormie who resisted the temptation of the internet and is actually working...! Love to all.

Monday, 4 April 2011


Well what an amazing couple of days I've had! Thursday and Friday were taken up with the Interfaith Conference, which was an increbidle privelidge to be a part of. It was incredibly tiring however. I did not go back to my house between 7.30am and 10.15pm on both days. The conference itself was very interesting and unique.I was host to a wonderful Hindu couple and I really enjoyed getting to know them over the two days. I attended talks by Hindus, a Taoist and a Sikh lady. The workshops were only a small part of the day. It also included a Jewish Shabbat supper for the whole school. The dining hall was transformed, with white tableclothes and a top table. It was amazing to see a Muslim family, Sikh lady, Hindu couple, a humanist, a philosopher all eat the meal together, led by a female American Rabbi! All I could think of was "what an incredibly special school I go to"!!
    After those hectic days my Danish dormie and I decided to escape to Cardiff. first of all we fundraised a little for Japan in Llantwit before catching the train to Cardiff. We had a lovely day, chatting, doing a little shopping and eating. We were both very tired but really enjoyed it and were very glad to get out. On Saturday night I met my parents in Llantwit for meal, which was a great way to end the day.  For some reason I didn't sleep that well on Saturday night and so I am still feeling tired now! And then that brings me on to yesterday.....
     I am now Peer Listener for Pentti Kourri House!!!! I am so happy and excited. I was told last night and then it was announced in house meeting. Everybody has been SO kind and congratualted me with some lovely words. There is a female and male Peer Listener in every house and it is their job to look out for people, give advice but to generally be a good, approachable and trustworthy friend. I feel honoured that my houseparent and fellow housemates think I am suitable for this role. We will be professionally trained but I promise to always to my best over the next year, as I would have done anyway. I am so happy!!
   Must go- early lunch before TOK. Love to all.