Thursday 14 April 2011

Our spirit shines through

12.50pm- Following the terrible events of the fire on Tuesday, the AC Spirit has been clear for all to see. Sunley students are spread about in rooms the castle. Second years have been given priority, and so most of them are in double rooms. The first year girls however are split into 2 large dorms, with around 16 people in each. This is neither comfortable or appropriate. They are just trying to make the best of a situation that nobody can change. Some of my closest friends in Sunley have managed to go back, only to discover what they had expected- they have nothing. "All that remains", my one friend said, "are the bed springs." Three girls dorms have been completely destroyed.  As I said, they are trying their best to carry on however it is very difficult. We are all trying to support them in any way we can. Lots of clothes have been given, along with school books and class notes. Even those whose dorms were not completely burnt still have smoke and water damaged possessions. As I went to History this morning I passed one of the rooms students have moved to. I thought that I could smell a nasty smell of smoke and as I walked past the black bags of possessions in the corridor I realised they were from dorms in Sunley.
         AC life is carrying on. Quite a few of us first years went on a trip to Cardiff to a University fair yesterday. Most of the top UK Unis were there and so I was able to make direct comparisons.
        After the Uni fair I worked all night. I did some bits of homework and also general revision. I have my first Peer Listener training session today- from 2pm until 7pm. All first year PL's are meeting with the college counsellor and then our predecessors later this evening. I am very excited to find out more about my role and also to spend time with my fellow PL's, who I know are a great bunch of people.
        Am going to do a little flute practise before that. Love to all.