Wednesday 6 April 2011

Half-way there

4.05pm- Yes, we are half way through the week already. This week has been very tiring and I was actually struggling this morning. I have not been getting enough sleep these past couple of days which resulted in me having a horrible headache until lunch. I went back to the house for a shower and somehow after that I feel okay. I have come with my dormie to the library to work. I have some set work to do and I must also revise. Not only is it half way through the week, I am also getting the feeling of being half way through the IB. The first year exams are approaching in addition to the teachers setting us some tasks for the actual IB (History Internal Assessment for example). Last night there was a presentation from the London Universities (LSE, UCL, Imperial and King's). LSE just sounds great to me!!  All this Uni business makes it feel as though it is us who are sitting the IB in a months' time!!  The second years are all preparing for their final exams and we must try and support them when we can. I can't believe where the past year has gone, so fast forward a year and that will be me....
    For now I know that I have to work but also enjoy and make the most of this opportunity. This is a very important, interesting but still incredibly amazing time. On that note I will go and find my dormie who resisted the temptation of the internet and is actually working...! Love to all.