Wednesday 13 April 2011


9.20am- Morning everyone. Yesterday was a very eventful day at AC. A terrible fire destroyed about half of  Sunley house, one of the student houses. Most importantly, nobody was injured but the damage is quite extensive. We were allowed to go and see the house from a distance last night and some people have lost everything. The fire broke out at around 12.30pm, just as we were all finishing 5th code. Lots of students had gathered outside the classroom blocks and were all staring across the fields when I came out of French. Once outside I saw the black smoke and huge flames rising from Sunley. It seemed so surreal and nobody was quite sure what to do. Some students ran over with fire extinguishers but it was too dangerous, and also too late, to stop it. We then had to gather for everyone to be accounted for. People were crying while we were waiting. As soon as we knew everyone was safe, I felt much better. However, seeing people realise that the only things they had, some of them thousands of miles from home, were the clothes they were wearing and their school bag, was very upsetting. Sunley students are now all staying in the castle, and will do so for the foreseeable future. There are second years due to sit their final IB exams in two weeks who have lost all of their work. You keep everything in your dorm here at AC, that place is your little piece of home whilst you are away from home. For some of my friends all that remains of that is now blackened walls and ash. People have lost camera's, computers, passports, but the loss of little things- letters, photos is most upsetting, and irreplaceable.  The AC community has really rallied however, and I think we are supporting Sunley as much as we can. We have given clothes, toiletries, books, let them use our showers.... anything they need.
     Well I just walked to TOK but it has been cancelled (logistical problems after the fire). So I am now researching for my History internal assessment and catching up on news etc. We are going to a University Fair in Cardiff this afternoon so I am quite excited. 
         Yesterday is proof that life can always manage to throw the unexpected at you, and that you can deal with it. Love to all.