Wednesday 27 April 2011

I'm still here... honest!

4.20pm- Hello everyone! I have not disappeared, although you may have thought that as I haven't written on here for so long! I went home for the Easter break last Wednesday.  It was so good to be at home and I really relaxed. We all came back on Monday and it was lovely to see everyone once again. Even a couple of days apart can feel like ages here..... 
        There are first year exams this week and so everyone, not only the second years, is studying. I had English and Maths yesterday and then History and French today. English was fine and then Maths was terrible! I have never cried over exams before, let alone during one! I just had a complete mental blank and could not do anything, even the easiest of questions. It was an awful experience. Afterwards ran to cry in the toilets then spent a little time walking around the gardens. I also called home. There's nothing like speaking to Mum and Dad when you're upset. When I went back to PK my friends were great. I went for another walk with my Thai friend and we shared our horrible experiences of the Maths exam. The only difference was that she is in Higher and I'm in Studies...!!  Oh well. I actually felt much more relaxed today as I know that nothing can be as bad as yesterday. I have always been okay with exams and I feel like that again now. I actually feel even stronger after knowing how terrible things can be. Failing is a part of life, I suppose. I will do everything I can to make sure it never happens again however!
    So, I think History was ok. I wrote two essays, one on the Treaty of Versailles and another on the outbreak of the Second World War. I actually enjoyed it, I realise now!   I had French this afternoon and that was as good as could be. I think I understood most of the text and comprehension questions. My essay is possibly where I will loose marks. We shall just have to wait and see.
    I don't have any exams tomorrow but i have E Systems and French on Friday ( we don't have the day off for the Royal Wedding!). I will be in exams during the wedding but I can watch the build up in my houseparents house. I am interested as it is a historical event.   This weekend is going to be great as we will be so happy to finish exams. I am going to make sure I work however as I have Internal Assessments for the actual IB to prepare for.
    My friend and I are in the Math Department at the moment. I really should go and work. Love to all.