Tuesday 6 September 2011

Hello from a wet castle

11.45am- Morning everyone! We have had terrible rain and wind here this morning and some of the people from warm countries are wondering how they will survive the winter! I just had a Double History code and the rain was coming in through the window frame. Apparently it would cost £20-30,000 to have it replaced. There are times when I think that living in a castle is just too impractical.....
    I have been quite busy lately dealing with Peer Listener issues. I've had numerous meetings with Administrators and Houseparents about the first years, the house and college life. I love my role as PL but I think the start of the year is the busiest time. I'm feeling tired but have not yet caught the cough that seems to be going around. I have a full day of codes today, with no free codes. This afternoon I am hoping to go to the gym and then I have my first Activity of the year tonight. I have to go to the Art Department for Ethical Felt and Fashion at 7pm and I am very excited. I actually studied the work of the lady running it for my GCSE textiles course last year. I think I'm going to really enjoy being creative and that it will also be relaxing.
    Must go to Econ now. Love to all.