Tuesday 13 September 2011

There should be more hours in a day....!

4.15pm- Hello! I realise that I've not written for about a week- I've been very busy. I have been working a lot. Yesterday was the final deadline for my History IA and so I've spent a lot of time on that. I think the stories I heard of busy Second Years having SO much to do now make sense! I will quickly run through my To-Do List (academic) : Economics IA (for IB), English World Lit.essays Final drafts (for IB), Prep. for History test and essay, Prep. for French oral (one of 3 for the IB), Maths test, and E Systems Presentation and Test. Yesterday I also had my first flute lesson of the year (which I enjoyed), baked Welsh cakes and then gave a presentation on Welsh culture (with the Welsh cakes!) in the evening. The Board of Governors are visiting and I also popped in to a  "Meet the Governors" event last night. We had an unusually high tide yesterday (due to the hurricane) and so a lot of us went down to the seafront to watch the incredible waves crash into the coastline. It was amazing! We were safely behind the sea wall but it was fascinating to see the force of the water. There was foam flying around and you could feel the spray in the air. The waves came up over the lower sea wall and we watched as spray from some waves reached the top of the cliffs further along the coastline!! I went back later when it was dark and a lot of people were still there in the moonlight- very beautiful. I have just had my first service session of the year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was Computer Club and I am helping a lovely lady practise how to use a computer. It was a lot of fun as she has a wonderful sense of humour. I am looking forward to helping her for the rest of the year.  I am going to go back to PK now before supper. I will read a little for History and after supper I have my Felt making activity. I really enjoyed it last week and so I am excited for tonight. I will then work for the rest of the night. Love to all from a blustery castle.