Thursday 10 November 2011

Time flies....!

11.15am- Good Morning! I'm sorry I haven't written on here for so long- I keep meaning to write but then I never get time! This week has been a very busy but overall enjoyable week so far. On Sunday we elected a new House Rep as it was time for one of the Second Year Reps to stand down. My Japanese dorm mate has done a brilliant job over the past year but I'm sure the new Firstie will be just as good. I visited my Nanny on Monday as it was her Birthday. Mum and Dad came to pick me up and it was good to be able to see her on her Birthday. I have also been busy with some Peer Listener issues this week. In addition to that, I have had normal codes, worked and been to Service and Activites. I'm making a scarf in my Felting Acticity.  My Computer Club session was great- I introduced my lady to internet shopping! She still has some trouble with navigating the mouse and typing but I can see that she is improving each week.  I had a lovely School Session yesterday. I helped the children learn to use money and played 'money' bingo! I also helped the teacher with some more administrative things like sending letters home etc. I now appreciate how difficult it is to be a primary school teacher as every week I have about 6 five year olds waving scissors around, pulling my clothes and calling my name! My children are usually very well behaved however -they're just lovely little things with lots of energy and not always the best idea of how to use it! There first student concert of the year was last night, and it was fantastic. It only lasted for half and hour but three very talented students performed- one on the violin, harpsichord and  the marimba. My Danish friend performed a composition he had written for the marimba. It was amazing. The performance was recorded and will be sent off to the IB as they are all music students. I did PSHE with the First Years last night as well.  I had a practice English Oral exam this morning. The actual one for the IB will be in the beginning of December but it is very worthwhile to start preparing now. We all recorded ourselves and then played it back. I am going to do many more practices before the final one so it should be fine.
     I am going to go to the gym after codes today and then I have a Peer Listeners Meeting this afternoon. We don't have Open House in PK tonight as someone has tampered with the fire extinguishers and they have to be replaced. It is so stupid and unnecessary and so we will be having a house meeting to discuss that instead. Must go. Hope everyone is well.