Wednesday 12 January 2011

Rain, rain, rain!

9.20am- Well after I wrote about the wonderful sunshine yesterday, we all woke up this morning to heavy rain! It may be damp, grey and miserable but I am still feeling happy!  Last night was the first Social Service session and we went back to Gateways Club. It was very uplifting, as usual.  I found out yesterday that my official activities this term will be 'Made in 48' and 'Ultimate Frisbee'. 'Made in 48' is a group to promote and raise awareness of Fairtrade products. We will be doing various things, from making Fairtrade chocolate to awareness campaigns. I am very excited!  I was told that I had to do a physical activity this term too- Meditation and Yoga apparently doesn't count!  Therefore I chose Ultimate Frisbee. I have never really understood the concept of Ultimate Frisbee (or been very good at it!) but I think it will be fun and a good way to use up some energy.  As an AC student there are various "strands" of activities/ service that you have to cover during your time here. These include "face to face", "global awareness", "physical and mental well being", "environmental awareness" etc. During the two years you should attend activities which fall into all of these "strands" (I think there are 7 all together). I am getting there!
      I have double free now and so I am using this to re-draft my English World Lit Essay (and also checking e mail, facebook and a couple of other things!). I have already had Maths this morning and have English, French and E systems after break. I am really enjoying being back at AC. I'm looking forward to this term, I can't believe that the next long break will be the end of the year! Time flies....   Speaking of time, I had better do that essay.   Hope everyone is well.