Wednesday 19 January 2011

Ups and Downs

9.30am- Hello everyone. I'm afraid we have had a sad couple of days. My Chinese dorm-mate decided to leave AC at the weekend. I did not really feel like writing my blog until now as it made me reflect on the sad situation.  I understand and admire her for realising that she had to do it for her own happiness. We were very upset at first but we respect her for making such a brave decision that will affect the rest of her life. We had a lovely couple of days before she left and I will always treasure the memories of her time in our dorm.  AC is not always the right place for everyone, and recognising that is very admirable.  We will still keep in touch and follow the path of each others lives. This amazing place bought us together - four girls from around the world, and made us sisters for ever.  We have really helped each other over the past couple of days and although there is the feeling of sadness and loss, we have still had plenty of laughter and happiness amongst the tears.
      I still have quite a bit of work to do. I have not done much lately. It will be fine however!  Service sessions have started once again, which meant I was very busy yesterday. I had residential home visits straight after codes and then I had to run to my flute lesson. It was a strange day. It was my first visit to the residential homes in over a month and the deterioration in some people's health shocked me. The ability of life to drain away in front of your eyes is very moving. I just hope that their last days may be made a little better by our visits. I feel sorry for my flute teacher as my head really wasn't functioning properly during my lesson!  After supper we had Gateways club and that really brightened my day.  I was chased and tickled, and made to laugh, dance and colour with the wonderful people. It made me appreciate my own life and being amongst them made me find my energy and love of life once again.
        Well I have double free now and I have English after break. I will see my parents later as it is my Mum's Birthday. Happy Birthday Mum!   Lots of love to you all.