Sunday 23 January 2011

Time goes by

2.45pm- First of all, I know I haven't written for a while but a lot has been going on. We had a very upsetting and tiring week as my Chinese dormate left at the beginning of the week and then on Thursday we were told that we were getting a new dorm mate. In the end, our new dorm mate has come from the dorm next door, and the new arrival at college will then go into the other dorm. It was decided that we had had enough upset and energy so we should have someone we know. We have been a new dorm for two nights now and the new girl will arrive at college tomorrow. We are all going to make sure she is made very welcome.
     As a result of all of this, I have been feeling very drained and in no mood to write my blog. I must be feeling better as I am finally doing this now!   This weekend has been AC MUN- Model UN. Students from three outreach schools across the UK have taken part, along with the AC student body. The whole UN was reconstructed here, in a castle in Wales.  The next couple of days will be very exciting as it is the next AC Diploma period. This time it is the AC Peace Conference. This is linked to the IB subject Peace and Conflict and the important issues of conflict, conflict resolution and peace are the starting points. Guest speakers are visiting the college to deliver lectures in addition to Workshops being run by various students. For a taste of what to expect, here is the timetable for tomorrow:

Mon 24th Jan

09am-10am Introduction and Lecture ‘The impact of modern conflict on poor and vulnerable communities and potential for civil society-driven change’
10am-10.20am Break
10.20am-11.20am Workshop 1
11.25am-12.25am Workshop 2
12pm-13.25pm Lunch

13.50pm-14.50pm Workshop 3
14.55pm-15.55pm       Workshop 4
16.00pm-17.00pm Lecture

‘Thinking and Acting about Conflict” Is conflict just another word for violence or does it stand for a big puzzle and what are the consequences of how we act in a conflict?’
17.30pm-18.30pm Supper
19.00pm-20.00pm Question and Answer session
This in-depth session is organised around the following themes: “Theoretical issues”, “Conflict around the globe”, “The role of the peace/conflict worker” and “Other issues”.
Various Films
Here is the list of workshops on offer tomorrow too:
1. The Disarmament of Stereotype Threat

2. Conn’s workshop
3. An intro to mediation as a means of resolving conflict in AC
4. Theatre of the Oppressed
5. Non-violence 101
6. Modern Genocide and Conflict in Sudan and the Congo
7. Tradition or Torture?
8. Understanding Terrorism
9. Sahaja Meditation – seeking inner peace
10. World Peace Flame Yoga Workshop (Part 1)
11. Western Sahara/Morrocco
12. Drawing Game
13. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Well I definitely think that it will be great!  I am not sure which workshops I will attend yet- definately Understanding Terrorism and The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and then two others. I am going to go and do some work now. I have an aural presentation for English on Inspiration to prepare for the end of this week. I must also do some flute practice later. I will then sleep!!  Because of the Diploma period there is no service this week.  Hope everyone is well.