Thursday 12 April 2012

And the days are long....

8.40pm- Good evening everyone. There are so many different parts to a day at AC that I sometimes feel like I fit weeks into days. I had a double free this morning so I've been able to work quite a lot today. We discovered that there had been a miscalculation and so I had my last Flute lesson today. I had to rush off at the end to the 1st Years Peer Listening training. The 2nd Years came towards the end of the session with the councillor so that we could have a short Q&A. I remember how excited I felt this time last year and have truly loved being PK Peer Listener. I guess this means my official role is now over but I know it will continue until the end of the year. My two 'little' First Years say they might contact me for advice next year as well....looks like I'll always be a Peer Listener! Hopefully it means I've done a relatively good job and I can't imagine my AC life without it.
    Am going to go back to the house now in the hope that we have Open House. If not, I'll work in the Quiet Room for the rest of the night. Good night. Love to all.