Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Final Leg

6.30pm- Hello everyone. I came back from Easter Break yesterday afternoon. After catching up with friends I went straight to my carrel unit! I remember when the first day back was relaxed and full of nice chats... seems a long time ago now.  Most people seemed to enjoy Break although it wasn't really a break. Second Years worked a lot and First Years are also revising for their end of year exams. I didn't have Service today as the local schools are off for Easter. After codes I went to the gym as I always feel better after exercising. I've spent the afternoon doing little things that have to be done but aren't actually work or revision. I'm now almost up-to-date with e mails etc. and have booked tickets for my trip to Turkey. My Turkish friends' parents are incredibly hospitable and have organised every part of our stay. I'm so excited to travel to a different country (indeed continent for part of the trip) and experience a culture so very different from my own. I have only ever been to Europe and America therefore this will truly be something entirely foreign to me. It's also very UWC - travelling with friends from various countries to visit the home of one of our friends. I want to see (I know it's very cliche!) the "real" Turkey, not the touristy beach resorts we Brits often associate with it. We will be visiting many important historic sites, sampling the cuisine and also managing to find some time to relax on the beautiful beaches. Before I spend any more time describing my Summer plans, I should get down to work! There is the small matter of the IB to complete before I head off to the sunny Middle- East!  Love to all.