Friday 18 March 2011

Another week over....

8.45am- Well, what a busy week this has been. I have had a lot of work to do, along with service, activities and just general things to do. I am really glad that it's Friday but I know this weekend will involve a lot of work. First of all, we have the International Show tonight. Acts from various countries will perform and all profit goes to Save the Children. After that  I am going to have an early night. I need sleep! Tomorrow morning there is another Dysparity session and after that I will relax for a while. Sunday it is the Atlantic College 10K run but I am not running. I'm on the team counting the runners as they cross the finish line. I may be there for a long time! I have heard that it is a great event and so I am excited to help out.
     I have first code free right now but after this I have codes all day. It won't be to bad and I'm just glad it's Friday. This week has been a good week however, just busy. Am going to briefly read the paper now. The situation in Japan horrifies me and knowing that some of my friends' families are there makes it feel very close. A week has passed and every day we think of the devastation and suffering. I have just read about Libya and that is a very different, man-made situation but still innocent people are suffering.
    I have double Econ next.  Love to all.