Sunday 20 March 2011

Why I love weekends...

6.50pm- Hello everyone. Once again I must be brief but I have had an amazing weekend. On Friday night I went to the International Show, which was fantastic. This is an annual show in aid of Save the Children. Students performed acts from their home nations, and varied from Hungarian poetry and Chinese lion dancing to Philipino singing and an African fashion show. Yesterday morning I had Dysparity and then relaxed. Last night we watched a lovely movie and then this morning was the AC 10K run. There was a great atmosphere and lots of very fit people! I marshalled at the finish line where it was a lovely place to see the happiness people felt on finishing. Seeing the pain also made me glad I hadn't run! Here is my weekend in photos:

The flag ceremony at the end of the international show- an incredibly emotional moment when it struck me how privileged I am to be here, with these friends from ALL OVER THE WORLD

 I just can't help myself- always taking photos of flowers!

 Our lambs are beautiful and they make my day every day.

My two Fairtrade bananas at the beginning of the 10K this morning.

Must go now but love to everyone. South East Asian national evening starts in five minutes.