Tuesday 15 March 2011

Busiest day of the week

6.25pm Hello everyone! Can't be long. Today really has been a busy day. I didn't have any frees and so I had codes until 1.25pm. History was interesting and different as our class was the class taught by the two applicants for the vacant History job. It was interesting to meet the candidates and see the different teaching styles. It was also nice for me as I showed around another candidate for the job a couple of weeks ago.   Straight after my Maths test I went back to PK, had a quick lunch then went straight to Service. It was visiting the residential homes today and I met a new lady as the one lady I visit was watching the racing from Cheltenham. It was very funny as she was apologetic and asked us to please come next week. It is good that there is something she really loves and doesn't want to miss!  I used the ride on the way to service to revise for an E Systems test tomorrow. As soon as we got back to college I literally had to run to my flute lesson, which was good as always. I enjoy my lessons although I know I really should practise more. Following all of that I felt quite tired and went back to PK for a nice hot shower. It has been a lovely day here although I haven't been able to sit and enjoy the sun. Instead it has just felt hot and sticky! I have just popped up to the library after supper and must head back to PK soon as I want to try and work a bit before Gateways at 7pm. I haven't been to Gateways for ages and so it will be nice to go again.
    Quickly- yesterday was really nice. I went to meditation and afterwards felt refreshed and I am hoping that my cold will not get worse (fingers crossed!).  I have some work to do for tomorrow which I will do after Gateways.  
    On a far more sombre note, I am still praying for Japan. We held a minute's silence in assembly yesterday which I found quite moving. I felt a huge feeling of solidarity, with around 300 people in a small hall completely silent.  I feel disconnected from the severity of the situation as we cannot watch the TV updates. The internet somehow doesn't seem to convey it the same way as the newspapers too. I was suddenly struck by the devastation when I opened a paper yesterday.  Very moving and humbling.
       My time management is getting worse- must go!! Love to all.