Monday 28 March 2011


6.55pm- Good evening everyone. I have had a great start to the week. I had codes until 11.30am and then I had early lunch. After that I had TOK which was very interesting today. We discussed the importance of learning language skills at a young age.  I had my last home visit of the year then this afternoon. The second years are preparing for final IB exams and so service is no longer compulsory for them now. Luckily for me I still have two other service sessions and so I will not miss out.
       I have just come back from supper and popped with my dormies to check my mail in the library. I am going to go back and work on my French essay before relaxing for the night. We are having a movie night in our dorm tonight. However, we are watching "The Last Emperor" and so it will actually help us with our History course!
    Am going to go now. Tomorrow will be a crazy day. I have full codes then a half hour break before service. I will have to run from my service to my flute lesson. I think I have around an hour then until a talk on applying to Oxbridge. After supper I have Gateways service until 9pm. At 9.30pm I have an interview to be Peer Listener. There are two Peer Listeners in each house, one boy and one girl. It is the Peer Listener's job to help fellow students who are unhappy, need advice or just want a friend. I would love to do it as I think it is a very important role. We will see, however, as there are lots of good candidates within the house. I will keep you posted on that one.
   Will go now. Love to all.