Friday 25 March 2011

Time for flip flops!

9.35am- Morning everyone! I haven't written on my blog for a couple of days as I have been quite busy. Life has calmed down now and it feels like there are actually enough hours in a day once again. I have been working on important pieces of work such as my English presentation and a History test which I have later today.
   Yesterday was a great day. After codes I didn't have service so I went to Music and played my flute for a while. It was very relaxing. After that I read for History outside with some friends. We just enjoyed the sunshine and made daisy chains! We had a talk on UK Unis last night which was useful for learning about the process of applying. After that the Brits met some of our Zero years. It was very exciting and it made me feel very old! We took a group of them to PK and we sat in my dorm and chatted. I can't believe that this whole journey was only just starting out a year ago. Seeing them all brings back so many memories of excitement and fun. The British National Committee are interviewing people over the weekend as well, so we will meet our first years some time this weekend! There is a Brit bonding session tonight (for current students) and so it will be good to spend some time with my national group.
     Tomorrow I am going home to see my family. I haven't seen them all since break and so it will be really good. On Sunday I am going with my Japanese dormie to meet a lovely lady who looked after her Dad when he came to AC in the 70's. Weekends are always great at AC and so I am so glad it's Friday!
    Double Econ next and then a full day of codes until 4.45pm.
   Hope everyone is doing well. Love to all.