Thursday 25 November 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

12pm- Hello all! Just  a really quick hello before I dash off to early lunch. Life is very busy at the moment, which is great! I have been busy, working, talking, having fun and sometimes sleeping this week. Yesterday my dormie and I got back after codes, chatted for a while and then fell asleep for two hours. I woke up at 3.45pm, which was the time my flute lesson started. I jumped up and ran! On Tuesday the Prince of the Netherlands visited college, as he is a former student. He was around campus all day but we spoke to him when he came to PK. It was quite surreal to be eating my cereal in the dayroom whilst chatting to the Prince of Holland. Life can be strange and amazing sometimes!
   Well really could write so much more but have to go. At least you know I'm still alive! Love to all and will be home in two weeks.