Tuesday 9 November 2010

I know, it's been a while!

6.45pm- Hello everyone! Sorry for not writing for a while but it can be difficult to find the time to do anything other that eat, work, play and sleep. Actually, the past couple of days I have failed to do just that (sleep was the one that suffered!). I had a lovely weekend. I went home for my beloved Grandmother's Birthday and it was so nice to see her. I must say that I was so happy when I got back on Sunday night and everyone gave me such a nice welcome. I had only been away for a night but it felt like ages. So much happens at AC every single day. I missed my dormies and luckily they missed me!
        Well I have been busy working quite a bit yesterday and today. I have been working hard on Maths and French. It was so frustrating- I can't do my Maths Studies homework!! I will get help tomorrow. I feel as though I am getting on better in French now. Every night before bed I read my French Grammar book and I hope something, somewhere will stick! I ask other people for general help but I do not get them to do my work or anything. I believe it is important that my teacher knows which level I am on and not the level of the computer etc. I went to service this afternoon- residential home visit. It is so good as I feel I am starting to get to know some of the people. They don't really remember you but they know we are from Atlantic College and the reaction on their faces lets us know that that is a good thing! Two people told me today that I made a difference to their lives. It is a very emotional thing when somebody tells you that. I now really enjoy my residential visits. First of all, and I know I wrote about it on here, I felt angry at the way elderly people are treated by society. I still feel that way but I also no longer feel powerless. I feel as though I am hopefully helping to improve that situation, albeit just for a handful of people for a couple of hours a week.
      I am going to another social service activity tonight- a club for disabled and disadvantaged people. My dormies both do it as an official service and really want me to go unofficially. I usually have lots of work to do on Tuesday nights but today I have some free time. Therefore I have to be gone by 7pm. I will just go and help my dormie follow her clues to her secret Santa gift. I helped arrange it with her Santa earlier. Will write more when I have eaten, worked, played and slept enough!! Love to all.