Wednesday 16 February 2011

Alive once again!

7.15pm- Hello everyone. Well, I am finally feeling much better after my allergic reaction. Having never even been on sick list, I spent yesterday in sick bay and then today on sick list. I am feeling much better now, although I do still have pink panda eyes!  I have basically slept for two days, and I think my body really needed the rest. It means I have missed two days of codes, although by the sound of it I haven't missed too much. I have read a little but my eyes haven't really felt like working. I am glad to be going back to codes tomorrow- I feel so out of touch with college life! I went to the dining hall for the first time in two days just now and it felt so good!
    A lot has happened in the past two days. Yesterday there were some quite dangerous incidents during service in the sea, and students had to have medical treatment. I am not sure of the exact details but I know some people have nasty injuries. We live in a beautiful spot but we have to be aware of the dangers of the sea.  Also, one of my co-years is leaving college today. It is always sad when people decide to go but nobody should stay here if is not right for them. Therefore, all in all, this week has not been my greatest week in AC. However the people and the place always manage to cheer me up and remind me how lucky I am, no matter how bad things can seem.
     Tonight I will do a bit of work and then at 9pm there is a theatre performance outside on top lawn by one of my second-years. I am really excited as I've heard it is amazing. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will be feeling almost back to normal by then. Lots of love to you all.