Sunday 13 February 2011

Spring! (but only for a day)

1.20pm- Hello everyone. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day and it really seemed as though Spring had arrived. However today is wet and grey and so I guess we are still in Winter after all.  I made the most of the sun however. I went for a lovely walk around campus and I will put a couple of photos that I took on here in a minute. Yesterday morning I had my first training session with Dysparity. It was so good. I am really excited about the project and really hope that I will be able to take part as planned. We discussed learning difficulties, Special Needs and life for those who have these conditions and also the lives of those around them. We also looked at the work of Educational Psychologists, which was very interesting. We have the second session next Saturday.      Last night I had a lovely night cooking, eating, chatting, laughing and eating even more! I had cake (which we managed to burn!), Malaysian jam and Kazakh bread. I think I ate too much but I have to take advantage of this opportunity to taste different cultures!
    This morning we woke up early and so whilst my dorm mates went to the gym (they had lots of energy!) I had a shower and then read. It was the perfect Sunday morning before Brunch. I have to work soon. I have an E Systems practical to write up, must call some family and friends and then go to the Central European National Evening tonight. I love Sundays at AC!
    Okay, my photos don't seem to want to come up on here so I will try again later. Love to everyone.