Monday 21 February 2011

Monday Mornings..

11.45am- Hello everyone. Well I had a lovely weekend and now I am ready for what will be a busy week. On Saturday I ended up going to Cardiff with my dorm mate and we shopped a little but ate a lot! I visited my family on Sunday and had a lovely day with them. Last night was the Scandanavian National Evening, which was interesting but also very entertaining. I then did a little work before and after house meeting. Then at 4am this morning the First Years were woken up by the Second Years for the year book photo. But they didn't just wake us up and take a photo, they took us outside and threw water on us! I seemed to still be asleep as I got very wet- I ran away from one bucket of water straight into another! Most people were sensible and ran towards the door!  It was cold and wet and now we are all very tired. It was actually quite fun however! On a sad note, it made us realise that are second years really are getting ready to leave. We will miss them all. Must go to lunch then TOK. Service has been cancelled as my lady is unwell. We have tutorials with tutors tonight too. Love to all.