Thursday, 30 September 2010

Quick hello

10.15am- The Geography of Thought conference finished yesterday and so today there are various other compulsory activities for first years. Depending on your Service you are either walking in the Brecon Beacons, visiting St.Fagan's or doing a First Aid course. My service is doing first aid training today and tomorrow. We have a break at the moment and so I thought I would write quickly on my blog. We are learning the basics of first aid- CPR etc., which is really good as I have never done it properly before. It is a really nice day here today. The sun is out and the campus looks beautiful in the autumn sunshine. Well must go back to the first aid training now. Talk soon.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Life is fascinating

5pm- Today was another day of lectures as part of the Geography of Thought Conference that is being held in college this week. First thing this morning we had a talk from a psychologist from El Salvador/ America on cultural genealogy. She spoke for a while but then we broke out into selected groups and had to discuss various topics relating to her talk. We talked about the influence our ancestors and the history of our families has on our lives, even if we do not realise it. We had to share these thoughts with others and it was so interesting to hear everyone's stories. After that we met again in the hall and a couple of people shared with everyone the story of someone who had inspired them. I found it very moving. After break I had originally planned to go to a talk on realism but realised that the Principal, Neil, was holding a workshop and so I went to that instead. To be honest I was not sure exactly what it was on but I know that whenever he speaks he does so brilliantly. And it was brilliant! He combined group work and him speaking to build up a picture of how cultures and then societies begin and continue to develop. He went right back to Stone Age times to the hunter gatherers and their view of the world and then demonstrated how their understanding of the world influenced their lives and the lives of those that followed.  In our groups we built up a belief system of how we viewed the world as a result of certain things we believed to be true. Every group had a different view despite us all having the same original starting point. Neil then used this to demonstrate how today we must understand that a belief is never wrong. There are reasons that we all believe what we do, and sometimes not even we know fully why we believe it. We can never tell someone that our belief is better than ours, that their religion is completely wrong or that they live their life the wrong way. It was funny, interesting but most of all right! Everything he said I believe in.   It was the same with the lecture this afternoon. A man called John Abbot spoke about education and learning. He and then we discussed the most important learning experience of our lives. It was noticable he said that nobody chose a situation of reciting facts in a classroom! The talk lasted for a couple of hours. The first half consisted of background information and various quotes. The second half I found most interesting. He discussed educational systems and how, globally, they should be changed. He used many different quotes to illustrate this and there are so many I would love to share with you on here but I can't remember them!! One that I do remember is this: A famous physicist said to his pupil- " Stop being logical and start thinking". It was full of quotes like that which I wanted more time to debate and discuss! He then moved on the what we can do, as citizens of the world, and what we must do if we want the world to survive.  He spoke about climate change and politics and I was captivated. He was a wise elderly man with so much experience and knowledge. At the end he was given a standing ovation and the boy next to me turned and said he could listen to him for many more hours. I felt exactly the same. He has written a book on education called "Overschooled but Undereducated". He is donating copies to the school library and I am definitely going to read it. He has so much to say that is worth listening to.
    Well I once again I have had a great day and so will go now. It is impossible to convey on a blog how amazing some of the speakers at the conference have been but I gave it a go! Love to all.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Geography of Thought....

6.45pm- Hello everyone! Well I haven't written for a while but I have had a lovely couple of days. I saw my family for lunch on Sunday, which was so good. I had a really nice relaxing weekend and now this week we have a special conference. This is an AC Diploma period and the Conference this week is Geography of Thought. There are lectures being held on various topics, but generally revolving around different cultural relations. Last night there were two lectures on Learning and Knowledge and then this morning we had a lecture by a Danish neuro scientist, which was extremely interesting. We were then split into groups and given questions to discuss. The idea was to discuss serious topics with people we do not know well. It was good. That was compulsory but then afterwards we had to sign up for various other lectures, as there is limited space. I went to a lecture on the definition of culture, by an English teacher from AC. It was not so much a lecture as there were only around 20 students and it was very interactive. I really enjoyed it! There are so many visitors at the college this week, and they are all amazingly interesting people.  I went to a lecture this afternoon on the nuclear scientist Robert Oppenheimer, by a professor who has just written a biography about him. Oppenheimer was the main force behind the Manhattan Project and he is known as the "father of the nuclear bomb". I wanted to go as it said that the lecturer would discuss Oppenheimers' Hindu beliefs and I was intrigued at how this related to his work. It actually seemed to focus more on the science aspect of his life but it was still very interesting.  At supper I sat next to a Canadian lecturer who is speaking here this week. I am really enjoying this conference and it is for events like this that I came to AC.
     Well tonight I have meditation as usual. There is a discussion group on the conference in the castle but I have found today quite tiring and so I am going to go to meditation instead. Had better go now. Love to everyone!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Another day...

12.20pm- Today has just been another normal, enjoyable day. I actually went down for breakfast in the dining hall and had Pain au Chocolat! I had History first thing this morning, then double English. After that I had Economics and now I have double free. I have just been doing work in the library and will use my second free for an early lunch. I am definitely going to have flute lessons, the music teacher is sorting out the times. I have some work to do this afternoon and then I have Model UN tonight. It's the first one and so I'm excited. After that I have Open House. That means we go into our houseparent's house and have some food and relax. Next week we do not have normal lessons. Instead we have AC Diploma period, "Geography of Thought Conference". There are various teachers and guest speakers giving lectures throughout the week. There are certain compulsory activities and then we have to sign down for others. There was confusion over when to sign down and so by the time I went this morning some of the guest speakers were already full. I have only signed down for one so far, a talk on World Religions by the Religion teacher at AC. I wanted to go to a talk on Bipolar Disorder and also Islamic Studies but they were full. I'm sure it is still going to be very interesting however. Well am off to have lunch now. I get so hungry here!!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Free time

9.45am- Morning everyone! I have had one lesson this morning, which was Maths. We are doing algebra and I am finding it enjoyable! My teacher is really good and this morning she helped me with a method I was unfamiliar with but I now understand.  I now have double free, until 10.25am Coffee Break. Last night we all broke the fast together in the dining hall at 8pm. We made cakes in PK and then took them down to share with everyone. We had some great soup, pizza and bread as well. I actually found the fast fine and wasn't really that hungry when it finally came to eating.
     Yesterday I mentioned the ATL lesson I had with Principal Neil and so I have my notes and I will share some of the things that struck me most from his talk. He spoke a little about the science of the brain- how, for instance, we have more neurons in one human brain than all the leaves on all the trees in the world! He also spoke about the development of the brain as you grow and the importance of experiences. He said that we should just wait until we become parents and we will understand so much more!  The thing that really made an impression on me was the "4 Worlds" inside the brain. It is a diagram/theory about emotions and the various parts of the brain :
   World No.1 is the INNER SELF.
              No.2 is DIRECT EXPERIENCE
              No.3 is INDIRECT EXPERIENCE
              No.4 is DESIRES (where you want to be).
You gain a good, positve and happy innerself if you have direct experience of happiness, love, etc. Indirect experience is conceptual, learning at school etc. In order to be where you want to be you need a combination of the other three. He said that many intellectuals have the conseptual thinking but they do not have a positive innerself where they are happy with themselves. Therefore they are not where they want to be and this is why some incredibly bright people commit suicide. If you don't feel good, you feel you will not reach where you want to be and therefore turn to sensations- alcohol etc. He said that in order to teach people you need to reach their inner world, and make it a happy place to be. He also said you must never write someone off, never give up on anyone.    I found this all so true and the manner in which he speaks and engages the audience is brilliant. I admire Neil the Principal so much.
    Well that was my thought for the day and so I am going to go and read for a bit now. I am in the library and so I will try and grab the Guardian. I have English after break, then French and E.Systems. I do not have service this afternoon or an official activity but I am planning on going to the Action on Climate and Environment debating group this evening. Hope everyone is keeping well. Love to all.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Quick word

10.35pm- Just a quick word to say that I am going to have flute lessons! Thought some of you might find that interesting! I went to the practice rooms earlier today in the music department and just played some scales and a few pieces. I was just about to finish when there was a knock at the door and the flute teahcer came in and basically told me I had to have lessons! I said I hadn't played for ages and she said it didn't sound like it and that she wants to teach me. She also knows my old teacher Catherine. I have to talk to the music teacher and see what happens. I'm still not sure if I really want lessons but she has my name and so there seems to be no escape! I don't mind, it'll be fun. Well must go now, I just thought that might be a point of interest to some of you, especially Dad!! Lots of love and night night.

Hello again!

5.20pm- Well I have finally got around to writing on here! I have had a lovely, but very busy, couple of days. I had a great weekend. I went to see Nanny, Mum and Dad on Saturday and then I didn't really do much on Sunday. I worked all day and then chilled in the night. Yesterday I had normal codes, but I had Neil the Principal for Approaches to Learning. It was fascinating.  I usually find ATL interesting just slightly long-winded but Neil is amazing. He talked about the evolution and development of the brain and emotions and how we use it. He said that the first 5 yrs are the most vital for gaining knowledge. Not academic knowledge but emotional. He said how children who never experience love in those years will not be able to love themselves. It is such a shame that I am paraphrasing so much but I have to be brief.  I can't remember it all properly now and so I will read my notes and share it later. I had my service home visit in the afternoon. We went to visit our lady and did a bit of shopping for her. Last night I had my meditation, which I really enjoy. I am still yet to feel the "energy" but I love the relaxing atmosphere and the genuine people. I actually meditated- well I had a time when I was thoughtless (until I thought I was thoughtless that is!). Also afterwards we were given a wonderful pastry thing and ice-cream, which was divine!  It was just as well I ate plenty as I am fasting today for Medicin Sans Frontiers AC in Solidarity. A large proportion of the student body has signed down and so we aren't eating from 8am - 8pm. I had a large breakfast- muesli, banana and peach. I have drunk water yet some people haven't even done that. We all get a feast at 8pm in the dining hall to break our fast. It hasn't been too bad but now my stomach is rumbling as I write this!   I had lessons this morning, and my favourite was double History. We had the marks of our test we did yesterday and I got a Level 7. I was pleased as I knew it wasn't all correct straight afterwards. My Econ. test wasn't too bad. It is all so new and so it is taking me a while to get used to how the questions are formulated etc. I find it interesting however and I didn't do terribly!
    Well I don't actually have any homework to do, just print things off. I had a problem printing my English essay from my USB in the library and so I need to sort that out. I have until Thursday so it's okay. I may also help out with the baking for the feast, which should be fun. I am also actually going to play my flute!!! My dormie Rina is about to practise her violin and we have a pact that I will go too. In the same way I am apparently going to go running with Natascha and Rina next time they go! I said that I find walking very enjoyble but they don't seem to understand!  Had better go and dust off my flute. Love to all and will write when I get some time.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


2pm- Hello everyone! Today has been a strange day. I had History first lesson, which was interesting as usual. After that I was supposed to have double English. All the second years have gone to the Globe Theatre and so has my English teacher. If your teacher is absent here you do not get a lesson. You have free time to do whatever you want. Some people work, others go back to sleep! This morning I went to the library and actually did my English homework in the allocated lesson time. I really enjoy working in the library. I then had my mocha for break and then Econ. was my second and last lesson of the day. After that I had my normal, scheduled double free. I did some revision for Econ. and History and then had an early lunch. The spinach layered pancake was very nice!  I am now just relaxing in the quiet room and will have to do some more work later.
   My dormie Natascha is going back to Denmark today for a couple of days and so I have to say goodbye to her. It will be so strange not seeing her for just a few days as we have been together every day for a month. But as Rina and I lose one dormie, we are gaining another. My fourth dormie from China arrived at Heathrow last night and she will arrive here this afternoon. It will be so good to meet her and we will do everything to make sure she feels welcome. It will be very tough to arrive now, after everyone has settled in but I'm sure she will be okay.
   This evening there is also a screening in the hall of the film "The Age of Stupid", which is apparently similar to Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". Everyone says it is a must see and so all of us first years are going along.
   I had better go now and say bye to Natascha.  Love to everyone.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Double break!

10.40am- I have double break now, which is a brilliant time of the week! I had Maths this mornins, which I enjoyed. Maths Studies is no longer so much of a laughing point as people have started dropping from Standard. The jokes didn't bother me as I was happy with what I was doing. I just admire those doing Higher Math and look incredulously at those doing Further!  We are doing some algebra, and it's fun! I can't believe I just wrote that but there we go!   I got up at 7am this morning and had some of my own cereal in the day room. I prefer to take my time and make sure I have everything ready for class at 8am. I also eat healthier when I don't go to the canteen as I don't have the milky porridge and croissants! Muesli and a banana is far better.

 I have already done my maths work and so right now I don't have any homework. I am sure that will change soon however! I have been busy these past few days and so I will try and give a brief update of what I've been up to. On Monday afternoon I had my Social home visit. When we arrived our lady was just about to go into hospital. Therefore we went into Llantwit and did some shopping. I only bought the usual fruit, milk and maybe a small bar of dark fairtrade chocolate (which was on offer so make it two!). I had a group tutorial with Julian in the evening. The four of us are from PK and so we have a nice relaxed chat with him about everything. Monday night I then had my Yoga and Meditation. It really is just meditation from what I can see but it is called Sahaji Yoga. I am slightly unsure of the beliefs behind it as there is a focus on "energy" and "mother earth" but that is also followed by biblical quotes. The teacher said it is suitable for all religions but I am definitely interested in reading more on the background. I found it somewhat eccentric at first but it was very relaxing. I am definitely going to go every week, although I can't see myself ever "feeling the energy" or really believing in that side of it. It was great to just reflect and relax in good company however, regardless of the beliefs behind it. We were also given a great Samosa and ginger tea with honey! There were four of us PK girls there and we all felt refreshed and "floaty" afterwards!
     Yesterday morning I had lessons as usual. Double History is great. We had a debate on the Austria- Hungarian Empire. I also had maths, e. systems and French. In the afternoon I had my Social residential home visit. I am the only first year out of the seven students, all of us are girls.  I really found it so rewarding and I have found a cause that I will follow for life!
     After I got back from service I did some more work and then we had supper. After that I just chilled in the house. I had an early night as I need the sleep. My cold is okay, nothing serious. I just get a slight sore throat and runny nose. Most people seem to be doing far worse at the moment and so I'm grateful!  Well I haven't gone to break as I don't want coffee. I have water in my bag so I had better get on my way to English. I then have French and E Systems. This evening is open house and a Norwegian boy is making waffles. On that happy note I will go! Lots of love to everyone.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Happy days

1.50pm- Hello everyone! I can't be long as I am writing this in the time between lunch and my service. I have had a great couple of days. Yesterday I had a lovely lazy day, combined with a bit of work. I also finally did some laundry! The state of the laundry really does not encourage you to wash your clothes often! I must not make it sound worse than it is but it is not really appealing. Last night was the British National Evening. We split into Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland. The Second Years did all the preparation and a couple of us First Years took part in the show. I had not really been keen on performing in front of the whole college but I ended up doing a sketch with another Welsh first year Carys. We were given a Powerpoint presentation on famous Welsh people but then it was up to us to present it in our own way. Carys spoke in Welsh and then I translated into English. There was some mocking and it was great because not only the Brits laughed! Beforehand we were both so scared as it was just the two of us but in the event I really enjoyed it. It was a good night and everyone said that all the other nationalities have a lot to follow!
      This morning I had some good lessons. I had English, which was okay as we are reading a play. Then we had assembly and I honestly cannot say how amazing it is! There are the usual school announcements but then you have the students who make their own announcements too. These vary from various activites to lost/found etc. If there is something of importance happening in a particularcountry then students from that country will go on stage. Every week we hear a different national anthem because of a special day in that country. Today I was deeply moved by a reading from the Qu'ran about Ramadan and Eid. Two Muslims gave a short speech on the importance of fasting in their religion and then the traditional reciting was incredible. I had only ever seen it on tv before and I found it incredible to think that this is happening in my school. That is what AC is really about.
   Well really must rush. Am going to visit the elderly lady in Llantwit for social service, which I love. Then have tutorial this evening followed by yoga. There is also something called work!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Had a good day!

6.30pm- Hello everyone! I have had a great day today. I went to Cardiff to meet Joe and we had a lovely time. It was so good to see him as it felt as though I hadn't seen him for so long. We went to Starbucks and had a great time chatting for a couple of hours. I had a terrible journey getting to Cardiff however this morning. I left AC at 10.30 and didn't get to Cardiff until 1pm! The trains from Llantwit wern't running and so I caught the service bus to Cardiff. This meant that I had to go on a scenic tour of Barry, Penarth and eventully got too Cardiff over an hour late. It was awful as I was so excited to be seeing Joe and he was waiting for me all that time! It was worth it when I finally arrived. It was fine coming back as I caught the train to Barry and then the replacement bus to Llantwit. I got back at 5, just in time for supper!
       Well I will go now as people want to use the computers in the quiet room. Will write some more tomorrow. Night all.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Last day of the week

8.20am- I have first code free and so I am on the computer in the library. We are not allowed to return to the house during the first code. Luckily my cold has not worsened and I only have a sore throat. Plenty of hot drinks and fruit and veg and I'm doing fine. I have just had breakfast down in the dining hall and then I have double Economics at 9.55am. Last night was ultimate frisbe day of Sports week. I went along to support PK but ended up playing every game as there must be 2 girls on the team. At first I had no idea what I was doing! By the end I had mastered a bit of blocking but not much else. I thoroughly enjoyed running around bare-footed on the grass, probably looking a little lost! We were doing really well first of all but then we lost one match and so ended up in the 3rd place play-off, which we won. It was great fun and a lovely thing to do on top lawn overloooking the sea. After that the first years had PSHE with Carol in her house. Every week the houseparent has to talk to us regarding various aspects of health and wellbeing. At check-in we were then given donoughts and hot chocolate. Thursday is supposed to be Open House and so that was it for this week. I know it was late for a donought but they looked so good!
    As a result of Sports Week my Model UN activity was cancelled and will now not begin for another fortnight. I am disappointed but it does give me some extra free time for a couple of weeks. As it is Friday we have codes all day today. It is a strange feeling going back to class after lunch, but I know I prefer it to evening codes, as was the case before.  Tonight the Friday lecture is being given by a former UWC student. I was going to go but I think PK may be going on a house trip together and so I'm not sure if I can go now. After that it is Sosh but I have decided not to go tonight. I don't think I will be a regular at Sosh every week!
     I am now going to go and read yesterday's Guardian. I don't think today's papers have arrived yet. Lots of love and best wishes to all.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

It caught up with me in the end!!

3.20pm - I really did speak too soon when I said yesterday that I had managed to avoid the AC cough and cold. I was fine last night and then as soon as I woke up this morning I had a horrible sore throat. I have made sure I that I eat healthily and have also taken some homeopathic medicine. It means I am a bit less talkative, which is a hard thing at AC! I drank two Mochas at break as it made my throat feel better! I don't drink much coffee but it is nice at break sometimes.
      Today I realised what a beautiful place this is! I had lunch early as I had no Code 6. When I was walking back there was such peace and quiet because most people were still in lessons. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and the sea was a beautiful blue colour. It registered that this is my school, I really am studying in this amazing place!
     I have had good lessons today. First thing was History and we have started the course. We are studying Europe before the outbreak of WWI, and I find it fascinating learning the actual events behind the creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and equally the fall of the Ottoman Empire. I now have an understanding of events and names which were familiar but I didn't actually know the whole story behind them. After History I had double English, and we watched the film of the play we are reading. It was a rare occasion when the film actually succeeded in capturing the essence of the text! I do find double codes rather long however.  Luckily for me after break I had Economics. I seem to be learning a lot in Economics and again I now understand some of the terms that I didn't fully understand before. After that I had a double free! It was great. I did some work in the library and then we went down for an early lunch. I finished before code 6 had finished and so I popped back to PK for a shower. I am now in the quiet room and should do some more work in a minute. I only have some English, so it will be fine. I do not really have anything planned then until this evening. We were supposed to have a BBQ with Whitaker but for some reason  it hasn't worked out. We will do it some other time. At 8pm I have my first meeting of Model UN. I am so excited! It is basically a debating forum where you represent the beliefs of different countries. Funnily enough, it is just like the UN! It is the introduction tonight and so I will find out more then.
     Had better get that work done then I will be free later. It is Ultimate Frisbe day of sports week today and I will go and watch that. I am not going to play as it is all so serious and competitive! PK now has 2 points and is no longer last thanks to basketball yesterday!  Lots of love to everyone and once again I must thank you all for the lovely correspondance. I realise I am so lucky to receive all the warm wishes and it does mean a lot. I'd love to reply to everyone but I just can't! I value every one so much however and so a big thank you!!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

I'm back!

10.15am - I have double free now, so I'm in the library. I had Maths just now and so I have done my homework already! I think I am doing pretty well at getting all my work done in the day and then I can see everyone at night and do not have to work We had health checks in the Health Centre yesterday and so I had two jabs. The one that was supposed to hurt didn't at all but now I have a dull ache in my right arm. It's nothing serious, just I know it's there. It's great having a Health Centre on campus, and also one of the houseparents is a nurse. There are lots of people with coughs and colds at the moment. They say everyone becomes ill during the first couple of weeks at AC. I am trying to eat loads of fruit and veg and so far I seem ok. My voice is slightly hoarse from all the talking however!  
        After the health check I walked into Llantwit with some people from PK. We felt really good for not taking the bus but then coming back we realised we would miss dinner if we didn't catch it for the return journey. I only bought some milk, bananas, pears and goats cheese. I was looking forward to cheese on toast but then nobody had collected the house supplies so there was no bread! Every night after supper someone is supposed to collect the supplies for each house. We get two loaves of bread and two pints of milk. Everybody keeps their own private purchases in the fridge but you have to be sure to label it and also tie it in a bag. "No name, fair game" is the saying!  I have my own muesli for breakfast in the mornings now. It is easier and also healthier. I do use the canteen some mornings however, depending on what I want and what lesson I have first. I eat in the canteen at every other mealtime, and I find that there is always something to eat. I often have the hot dish with salad or veg. People are ordering in and buying their own food but I don't feel the need at the moment.
     I have break at 10.25 and then I have English. We are reading a play by Spanish writer Lorca called "The House of Bernarda Alba". I haven't quite got into it yet but it is okay. I then have French. I love my teacher but I do feel somewhat out of my depth in class. My classmates seem to have very good knowledge of both grammatical and converstional skills. When I sit down and take my time, I am fine. I still love class!  I also have E. Systems, and I find this very interesting. I am taught by Nick Lush, the Vice Principal, and he is a brilliant teacher. He explains everything in an engaging manner but also can have laugh with the class. We are learning about various environmental systems at the moment, and also what exactly is a system. Some people seem to have prior knowledge but others don't. I find this in all classes. Such is the variety of nationalities here, various education systems teach different things. Sitting in class and talking to people is an education in itself!
     This afternoon I have an introductory talk from a representative from Age Concern as part of my social service. I am so pleased that I chose social service. I have a deep love for my service already. After that I am thinking I may try and find a practice room in the music department and play my flute! I did not sign up for lessons as I realise it would have been too much of a commitment. There is a flute choir however and also there are three other flautists in my house. Apparently the accoustics in the practice rooms are really good and so I think I will go and take a look later. It is AC sports week this week and tonight is the basketball competition. After reaching the final in rugby, PK were knocked out first in volleyball last night. We have confidence in our basketball team however! 
     Well, I am going to go now as I want to read the paper before break. Hope everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Life is good

Hello all!
Well, it has really started getting busy here now. Most lessons we get homework, although nothing too long or serious yet. Yesterday I had my first social service, a home visit to en elderly lady in Llantwit. I accompany a Second Year who has already been visiting her for a year. We arrive and get a shopping list and then walk to do some shopping. Then we go back to her house and make some tea and have a chat. She is not very well and may be going into hospital next week for and operation. I really enjoyed the session however and already feel as though we have a relationship. She wanted to make sure we were going to visit next week, as she enjoyed seeing us.  Last night I was supposed to have yoga and meditation but all activities were cancelled as it is AC sports week. Therefore I spent my evening in the pouring rain watching rugby on the sports field. You could say it was fun! 
    I had lessons this morning. Environmental Systems, double History, French and Maths. I really enjoyed all my lessons and still can't believe that I study in a castle! Have to go now as a Second Year has to work. Talk soon.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Still feeling invigorated!!

7.50pm- I am now going to write the time whenever I write a post as I have realised that the time shown here is wrong and I don't know how to change it!  I am in the library and have just finished off my English homework. We had to write a detailed observation of something and so I did my pen. It was frustratingly difficult and I have no great confidence that what I have done is right. I know that everyone in my class is thinking the same thing and we are all also having problems printing. The teacher asked for it to be done on the computer but the printers in the library haven't been working all day. Not to worry, at least I've done it.
   Tonight was supposed to be the Brit National Evening but it was cancelled earlier today. I assumed that this also meant the Welsh lunch had been cancelled but it went ahead as planned. It was actually really nice to get out to Llantwit and we had a pub lunch outside on wet benches! Only 12 Welshies went but we were glad we did. A couple of us then decided we would do a bit of shopping and walk back. I bought some milk and cereal as it is easier to eat in the house in the mornings. Six of us started to walk back but 3 got picked up in Llantwit and then the remaining three were given a lift by a college worker. It was good to walk 3/4 of the way to Llantiwit and back however!
    I then took a nice hot shower and did some more work. I like taking showers during the day as it is nice and quiet. Whilst on the subject of showers, the other First Years have concluded that we at PK are missing out on the communal aspect!! I can see what they mean but my housemates think I'm crazy! I do like the privacy.   I have had such a strange day, meal wise today. I had Brunch this morning and then I had a baguette for lunch and now I've just had supper. We had roast pork and apple sauce, which I really enjoyed. It was good to have some nice meat.
     It has been fine here for most of the day but now the clouds have gathered and the wind is picking up. I think this is the castle at it's most haunted best! I do have to pinch myself when I look up from the computer and see that I am actually in a castle and can see the sea!  
      As my title for the posts today suggest I have discovered my love for college once again. Yesterday most people went to Cardiff. I planned to stay here and work but then in the morning I rang Mum and Dad and asked if I could see them. Mum was so shocked and actually tried to put me off as she knows the rule about not visiting for a month. I had seen other parents visit and thought that it would really help me to see them. I was right!  Mum and Dad picked me up and then we drove back to see Nanny. I got all emotional when I saw them because I realised just how much I missed them. Before coming here I think I had decided that everything would be amazing, so much so, I had not seriously prepared myself for the huge change that has happened in my life. It was great to talk to people who know you so well and whom you know will always love and support you. Don't get me wrong, there are so many great people here and we all get along as we are all in it together. However, we have only known each other for two weeks and there is no way that it is the same as a relationship of a lifetime. I just enjoyed being at Nanny's, talking and also eating wholemeal bread! It was amazing!   When I came back I felt far more positive and it had done me the world of good to see them all. It also made me remember why I wanted to come here so much and what an incredible place this is. I think when you are immersed in it for a period of time it is possible to feel slightly disorientated as it is so different. I think I have now rediscoverd my spirit!
      Last night was the First Year show, in the Bradenstoke Hall. The Second Years performed in house groups for the First Years. Basically it was making fun of the First Years in every house, with the help of photos of first Sosh etc. Some of it was actually a bit too harsh, I think. Luckily PK's was the best and our Second Years did a little sketch laughing at a couple of the boys but then they sang a song for us. It was very sweet and not at all cruel. I couldn't hear it all and apparently, if you read the lyrics, there are some secrets in there that we're not sure how they knew!  We then went on to second Sosh. I wasn't going to go but then went down and came straight back. It was almost empty. We then went back with some Second Years at the very end and had a bit of a dance. It was nothing like first Sosh on Friday! I can't see myself frequenting Sosh every week, on both nights however!
   I am so excited for tomorrow. I have my codes all morning but then I have my first day of service in the afternoon! I am going to visit a lady in her home with a Second Year. I do not know anything about her but I am so excited to meet her and hope I can add a little to her life.  I have a house meeting at 9pm but before that I have arranged to ring Joe. It will be so good to talk to him and I just hope he realises how much I have talked about my best friend!  Talk to you all soon.

Feeling invigorated!

     Well, I am writing this from the college library on a wonderfully Welsh rainy day. I have already done some homework this morning and only have to do some French and re-draft English. I have to write six sentences for French and English homework was to write an observation of an object. I chose a pen!  I was supposed to be going out for lunch with the Welshies today but National Evening has been cancelled due to double booking or something. I am actually quite glad as it gives me more time to just chill. I have just had Brunch, which is only available on a Sunday. Between 10.30am and 1pm you can go to the dinner hall and have Brunch. For many people it is great but I am not a huge fan! You are allowed six items, some hot, some cold. For example, there are various eggs, fried cooked breakfast things, cheese, potatoes and then croissants, toast and fruit. I had a wholemeal roll (so good!), a croissant and yoghurt. Overall I think it is a pretty mixed up meal!  Just been told the Welsh meal is going ahead so have to rush. Talk to you soon!!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Quick word

   Just a quick word while I have some spare time. I am in the quiet room in my house and so it is great to go on the internet. I have had a good day today, and have just been baking muffins in Carol's  (houseparent) kitchen. We have a PSHE meeting in her house tonight. A couple of us had some free time and made chocolate and banana muffins for the meeting. They look really good!
    We had a lecture today from Nick Lush, the Vice Principal, on the code of conduct in the college. Basically, the college is trying to tighten up on alcohol and drugs and so this year there are quite real threats of suspension. I am sure this isn't going to deter people on first Sosh tomorrow however!
      We also had to choose which activities we will do for the AC Diploma. We only do 2 officially but we had to put down 4. For the Diploma we have to cover numerous aspects, including Global Awareness, Environmental Awareness, Physical and Personal Care, and Creativity. Therefore, I have chosen, in order, Yoga and Meditation, Model UN, Climate Change awareness and Ethical Felt and Fashion. The interesting thing is that the tutor for the ethical fashion is Claire Cawte, a textile artist I studied for GCSE. I am not sure if I will get that activity this term but I can always do it at some point in the 2 years.
    Well, I am going to go now to the day room and chill before the meeting in Carol's house at 9.
   Talk soon.

Getting Started

Hello all!
   Now I feel as though school really has started- I have homework! I have to do some research for a presentation in Economics and also write an observation of an item for English. It has to be completed by Monday so I have the weekend to do it. This weekend is going to be a really busy weekend. Tomorrow night is First Sosh. Every weekend there is a disco in the Social Centre run by the students. On Saturday everyone seems to be going to the Gay Pride parade in Cardiff. Saturday night is the first year show and then Sunday lunchtime I have a Brit lunch in preparation for the British National Evening on Sunday night. The Second Years are arranging a meal in Llantwit for some "nationalistic bonding!". Each country of the UK will be doing it's own presentation during the show. It should be fun but I am not yet sure exactly how it will work!   There is also something called work and sleep!
    Today I have had History, double English and then Economics. We have started receiving tasks and, as I said earlier, it now feels like school. It can be a strange feeling, the studying in school and then the social and other aspects of living on campus. I think it will take a while to get used to, but I am getting there and I know I am not alone in feeling that way. In a minute I have to go back to PK and choose which activities I will do as part of the AC Diploma. I think my physical aspect will be yoga and then I would love to work with Save the Children but I fear I have already covered that aspect with my Social Service. I am not sure exactly what I will choose but I will discuss it with Julian.
   Had better go. Love to everyone and I must also say a huge thank you for all the cards. It is so generous of you all and it really does help with the homesickness. Talk soon.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

A new routine

I am writing this during my free period in the library. I have done my Maths homework. Now I am just relaxing. I have a double free which is amazing! Yesterday was really good. I had Environmental Systems with Nick Lush, the Vice-Principal and found it fascinating. I am really looking forward to studying more of E. Systems. I then had a double lesson of History, which I adored! My teacher is from Hungary and so when she is discussing the reliability of evidence she can speak of her experiences of life behind the Iron Curtain. I also really enjoy Economics and basically love both lessons I have in the classrooms in the castle! It is such a great place to study and learn. The other classrooms are divided into blocks for Science, Languages, Maths and Music. Yesterday we were told which service we had been selected for and I was given Social. I am SO pleased with this. Performing Arts was my first choice but, after thinking about it, I really love and am passionate about the activities in Social Service too. For my choices within the service I have decided I want to work with elderly people. Therefore, my choices were, in order of priority, home visits, residential home visits, IT skills class and, finally, a club for Autistic adults and people with mental illnesses. There is also a possibility that I may get school visits but I will find out which one I have this afternoon. I really hope I get home visits as I would love to build up a relationship with an elderly person/couple and hopefully make a great difference to their lives. It could involve doing some basic shopping or just chatting and keeping them company.
        Yesterday was fun as we went to Llantwit on the bus. It was as though the whole first year had decamped to Llantwit! The bus was full, so some people walked. In the village itself around every corner and in every shop there were AC students. We were distinguishable by the amount of food shopping bags we had!  It was also great to see normal people! I only bought milk and fruit but some people spent loads on all sorts of meals and treats. When we arrived back on campus the second years found it hilarious!  I do not find the canteen food too bad, therefore I am not going to spend money on food all the time. I need my fruit and that is about it!   After we got back a couple of us from PK went house-hopping (visiting the day rooms of other houses). It was great fun and we ended up having a lovely really girly chat in Tice, with some boys included!! As long as you're back in your house for check-in, there is no problem.
         This morning I have had Maths Studies, and am now in double free. My Maths teacher is called Sally and she is really good. There are only 6 of us in the class, which is the smallest class I have ever been in. Even the maximum here is around 18 in a class. There are students from Madagascar and Israel who find the English hard and so we have to make sure that they understand all the terms. This also applies to me coming from Welsh speaking school, but then I do find it easier when the term is explained. We had to go back to basics and I know this is much to the amusement of other students. It doesn't bother me as I have no plans to become a Mathematician! I have also been given a ridiculously expensive calculator, and discovered that this year every one is pink! And I do mean bright pink! 
    I have 15 mins until break and I want to read the newspaper to discover what's actually happening in the world! I love the way I can come to the library and read my beloved Guardian, as well as some international papers.   Hope everyone is fine. I'm really happy here now.